
Are you looking to establish a Foundation in Switzerland?<\/p>\n

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With a foundation, a proportion of assets are assigned to a particular goal or specific project, such as the protection of a natural area or the assistance of people in difficulties.<\/p>\n

Family foundations are legal only if the assets of the foundation are used to ensure the education or assistance of the family members. The beneficiaries should be members of the family.<\/p>\n

There are few restrictions for their creation; however, foundations are subject to governmental monitoring by the federal or cantonal authorities.<\/p>\n


Our experts<\/strong>, who are specialists in Swiss law, accountancy and tax, will provide the best advice with regard to the monitoring authority and tax exemption. They will guide you throughout the process so that you can create your foundation in Switzerland.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

What are the advantages of a private foundation?<\/h2>\n